
Would you like to sponsor someone’s life saving surgery or medical care? You can give someone a new lease of life and restore their quality of life.

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Or one off donations will go a long way to make a difference. you so desire, we will send you information on the use to which your donation[s] are being put.

Mr. X:

Unfortunately, a couple of weeks to the final examination for his law degree he was involved in a ghastly coach crash and left in a coma for several weeks. When he came round, he had lost the use of both his limbs and was paralysed from the waist down. He was unable to return to his law degree for several years but through sheer determination and help from family and friends completed the course eventually. BASIC Trust International® paid for his car to be adapted so that he would be mobile, independent and able to take up a job that was offered him.

Mr. B:

Was born to a pagan, polygamous family and is one of several children. He had his eyes set on a university degree that would help him climb out of the poverty trap. Things went horribly wrong when he fell down and hurt his knee. What began as an innocuous injury was diagnosed as acute ostemylitis of the knee joint. The medical bills forced him out of university and soon he was in dire need. BASIC Trust International® paid for two stages of surgery [including recuperation costs] and the operation save his leg from amputation.

Mr. SJ:

Woke up one morning with a severe headache and could not get out of bed. After months of visits to numerous hospitals he was diagnosed as having a bony frontal swelling and related intra-cranial lesion [brain tumour]. By this time, his forehead was protruding and the resulting pressure on his optical nerves resulted in the gradual loss of his vision The surgery BASIC Trust International® paid for was successful and saved his life.
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